Community Update: Exciting Progress at #NuNet.
07 Sep 2023, 13:00
📢 Community Update: Exciting Progress at #NuNet
1️⃣ New Releases: DMS, CPD, and SPD have had recent updates, enhancing reliability and performance. Jobs are running smoothly!
2️⃣ Dashboard Delight: Our new dashboard feature lets testers filter results by their peer ID, offering an overview of DMS jobs. We welcome any suggestions for additional dashboard features from the community
3️⃣ SPD Peers: The new SPD feature showing available peers is a hit! Community members spotted resource calculation discrepancies, sparking an investigation and ongoing fixes.
4️⃣ Image Improvements: Team is working on streamlining image builds, reducing ML container sizes, and enhancing AMD job stability. Pytorch is next on the list.
5️⃣ Test Network Expansion: Our test network infrastructure is expanding, inviting community members with hardware to join on a semi-permanent basis, compensated in NTX.
6️⃣ Machine Benchmarking: We're developing a machine benchmarking system to calculate fair compensation for test-net contributors and improve job-to-resource matching.
7️⃣ Smart Contracts & Oracles: Ongoing updates to smart contracts and oracles, along with tech enhancements for job resumption.
Exciting times ahead! Stay tuned for more updates 🌐
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